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Parental Alienation & Family Court Corruption

The controlling nature of an alienator
The controlling nature of an alienator is often a defining characteristic of their behavior. This control is used to manipulate the...
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Manipulative tactic used by an alienating parent to create mistrust, resentment, and emotional distance between the child and the targeted parent.
The m anipulative tactic used by an alienating parent to create mistrust, resentment, and emotional distance between the child and the...
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Alienation tactic, deliberately hiding the targeted parents illnesses and misfortunes from their children.
When an alienating parent hides information about the targeted parent’s illnesses or misfortunes, it’s often a deliberate attempt to...
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Alienated parents often face difficult and misunderstood questions from friends, family members, and acquaintances
Alienated parents often face difficult and misunderstood questions from friends, family members, and acquaintances who do not fully grasp...
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Forty Questions Designed to Assess Whether a Parent May be Engaging in Behaviors Consistent with Parental Alienation.
The following are 40 questions designed to assess whether a parent may be engaging in behaviors consistent with parental alienation ....
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40 Questions Designed to Help Assess Whether a Parent is Experiencing Parental Alienation
Am I an Alienated Parent
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40 Questions to Ask a Child When Trying to Determine Parental Alienation
Forty Questions to Ask a child When Trying to Determine Parental Alienation
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Please act immediately using the suggestions below. Dear friends and colleagues of Parental Alienation Study Group and Alienated Parents...
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What role does early intervention play in preventing parental alienation from escalating and impacting the child?
Early intervention plays a crucial role in preventing parental alienation from escalating and minimizing its impact on the child. Here...
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When a GAL opts for an expert who dismisses parental alienation by stating that it is not acknowledged in the DSM-5, several critical issues arise.
In the landscape of family law, the role of Guardian ad LitemGAL) is crucial ensuring the best interests of the child are prioritized....
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Alienated Parents Should Not be Punished for Experiencing & Showing Their Stages of Grief.
The Emotional State of the Targeted Parent in Parental Alienation Cases is Often Used Against Them in Court. As we outlined in our...
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Parental Alienation & The Stages of Grief
Parental alienation is a devastating experience that can leave a parent feeling lost, confused, and heartbroken. As an alienated parent,...
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“Sometimes we both just feel hopeless and that we are letting her down when she deserves to be happy loved and at peace”
My step daughter was taken in CPS custody due to bio mother neglecting her by leaving her in a care of someone she barely knew. My...
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The Duty of a Guardian ad Litem When a Child’s Parent Has Been Removed From Their Life After 15 Years.
When a 15 year old child has a parent, and everyone on that parent’s side removed from their lives after 15 years. Having enjoyed 15...
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I am not my past. My past should not dictate my parental rights either
I am a 52 yr old mother of 5. Two daughters and a son which are all adult. I also have a set of 16yr old twin sons. 13 yrs ago I found...
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An Alienated Father “I Have Lost Hope In The Justice System”
I have 6 children 5 of whom after being abducted by their mother by being lied to and mislead, returned to me last year July. Since then...
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Children Lose Their Father to Cancer and Their Mother to Parental Alienation
From 2016-2019 I was a stay at home mom. Father and I shared 50/50 custody week on week off Friday to Friday from October 2019 to March...
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An Alienated Mother’s Story
It's been 382 days since I've seen my little girls. Custody and all visitation were stripped from me although there has never been...
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When a child misses many days of school over the years could this be an indication of parental alienation?
A child missing many days of school over several years could potentially provide further evidence of parental alienation when combined...
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A Story of an Alienated Mother by the Paternal Grandmother and the Humboldt County, California “Family” Court System
My daughter is in court in Humboldt County, California and the judge has not allowed her or her attorney to talk and he granted permanent...
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My Ex Has Made Our Child Believe That I’m Bad & Mean for Speaking to Our Child About Their Inappropriate Actions or Behaviors. Why Am I Being Punished for Parenting?
Alienating parents may use the other parent's normal behavior and reactions against them as a tactic to manipulate the child's perception...
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The Manipulative Tactics of Narcissistic Parents in Child Custody: Withholding Information and Demanding Child Support
In the realm of divorce and child custody battles, the presence of narcissistic parents can introduce a myriad of challenges and...
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When Family Court Judges Deny the Constitutional Rights of Parents
When a judge does not allow a safe and loving parent access to their child, it can potentially raise constitutional issues related to...
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Why is it important when a determination of parental alienation has been made that the alienated child have access to a therapist in person and not online.
When a determination of parental alienation has been made, it is crucial for the alienated child to have access to a therapist in person...
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Challenging expert testimony on parental alienation in “Family” court.
Challenging expert testimony on parental alienation when the expert does not consider it a recognized in the DSM-V can be complex, but...
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When Does a Guardian ad Litem Lose Immunity?
Guardians ad Litem (GALs) typically have qualified immunity when performing their duties, which means they are generally protected from...
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The Intersection of Legal Abuse Syndrome, Parental Alienation, and Role of Guardian ad Litems
In cases involving child custody disputes and parental alienation, the role of Guardian ad Litems (GALs) is meant to serve the best...
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Shackled by Deception: The Ominous Journey of Unveiling Parental Alienation Through Family Court Archives
Parental alienation casts a dark shadow over the innocent souls ensnared in its web of deceit, inflicting wounds that fester unseen until...
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What are some financial setbacks you have personally suffered from because of custody proceedings?
Graphic from Parental Alienation Warriors Group on Facebook Real Answers From Real Targeted Parents, Of Parental Alienation Lost my...
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Women with Powerful Voices are Standing Up for Their Families By Promoting Equal Shared Parenting & Ending Parental Alienation.
The Dadvocate on Facebook Writes: For ten years I’ve watched my husband live right down the road from a little boy who has begged and...
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Have You Been Involved in “Family” Court? What Was Your Experience? Would You Recommend it to Other Families?
This is what other parents are saying about our "family" Court System. The judge was totally incompetent. Went by everything my wife...
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Who’s Stopping You From Seeing Your Kids? What The Alienated Parents Are Saying.
7 years. Not seen or heard their voice. Don’t even get a picture of my kids. my ex and a judge 2years and waiting 😢😢😢😢😢 Almost 3...
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South Carolina's Family Court System: Torn Apart by Greed and Corruption"
In South Carolina, the family court system is designed to handle delicate matters related to divorce, child custody, support, and other...
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Parental Alienation and Family Court Corruption, It’s The Long Game.
You’re dealing with people void of a conscience, fueled by anger, greed and control, not intelligence. Give them the time they need and...
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How a biased Guardian ad Litem can exacerbate legal abuse syndrome & parental alienation
A biased guardian ad litem can exacerbate legal abuse syndrome & parental alienation by further manipulating the proceedings in favor of...
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Legal Abuse Syndrome and Parental Alienation
Legal abuse syndrome is a term coined by Dr. Karin Huffer to describe the psychological trauma that individuals experience as a result of...
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Deceptive Manipulation: How One Mother Alienated Her Daughter from Her Father
Meet Sarah, a seemingly caring mother who harbored resentment and anger towards her ex-husband, John. Their divorce left Sarah jealous...
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From Fighting For Her Life to Fighting For Her Children. One Mother’s Parental Alienation Story.
From Fighting For Her Life to Fighting For Her Children. One Mother’s Parental Alienation Story.
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"Unseen Wounds: The Harmful Belief System Surrounding Parental Alienation"
In the realm of child custody disputes, a troubling disparity exists in how society perceives allegations of abuse versus claims of...
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When a parent closes the computer on their children’s other parent when they are having a conversation what message does that send their children?
When a parent closes the computer on their children's other parent during a conversation, it can send several negative messages to the...
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My child says that the expert, her counselor and the guardian have said negative things about me. How is that detrimental to our relationship and what should I do about it?
When a child reports that professionals like counselors, experts, or guardians have said negative things about you, it can be highly...
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I Have Had Many Problems Getting Ahold Of My Child For Many Years. Should I Share The Evidence Of That With The Guardian ad Litem?
In cases of parental alienation, sharing evidence of failed attempts to communicate with and reach out to your child is crucial when...
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“Ok, I’ll say that instead”. When a Child Quickly Changes Their Beliefs to Align with a Parent
Understanding the Dynamics of Parent-Child Relationship When a Child Quickly Changes Beliefs to Align with a Parent Parenting is a...
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My mom makes me feel bad about spending time with my dad, what should I do?
Setting boundaries with your mom to address her making you feel for enjoying time with your dad is important maintaining a healthy...
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Are there specific warning signs or red flags that individuals should be aware of to identify if a covert narcissist is attempting to alienate their child from the other parent?
Yes, there are several warning signs and red flags to watch out for that may indicate a covert narcissist is attempting to alienate their...
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When a parent does not allow the parenting time of the other parent despite significant efforts made by that parent, it can send various negative messages to the child.
When a parent does not allow the parenting time of the other parent despite significant efforts made by that parent, it can send various...
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How can parents create a safe and non-judgmental space for their children to express their feelings and perspectives on the topic of parental alienation?
Creating a safe and non-judgmental space for children to express their feelings about parental alienation is crucial for helping them...
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How can you effectively communicate with your children about parental alienation without placing blame or causing further distress?
Communicating with your children about parental alienation can be a delicate and sensitive process. Here are some tips to help you...
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I’ve heard of Parental Alienation but how do I know if it’s happening to me?
If you feel like one of your parents is trying to you against the other parent, there are few things you can watch out for. It's...
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In what ways can therapists work towards rebuilding trust and healthy relationships between parents and children after instances of parental alienation have occurred?
Therapists play a crucial role in helping to rebuild trust and healthy relationships between parents and children after instances of...
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