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Assessing Whether an Alienating Parent is Restricting a Child's Access to the Targeted Parent

When assessing whether an alienating parent is restricting a child's access to the targeted parent, assessment scales may include indicators or questions that explore the following areas:

Frequency and nature of contact: The scale may inquire about the frequency and duration of the child's contact with the targeted parent. Questions might include how often the child sees or communicates with the targeted parent, whether there have been any changes in visitation schedules, or if the child has expressed difficulties in spending time with the targeted parent.

Interference with visitation: The scale may assess whether the alienating parent consistently interferes with scheduled visitations or exchanges. Questions may focus on instances where the alienating parent cancels, reschedules, or obstructs visitation arrangements, and if the child is aware of these actions.

Communication restrictions: Assessment scales may include questions about the extent to which the alienating parent limits or controls communication between the child and the targeted parent. This may involve asking if the alienating parent monitors or filters the child's phone calls, texts, or emails with the targeted parent, or if they discourage or forbid direct communication altogether.

Negative messaging: Indicators may examine whether the alienating parent engages in negative messaging or influences the child's perception of the targeted parent. Questions might explore if the alienating parent makes derogatory remarks about the targeted parent in the child's presence or if they attempt to undermine the child's relationship with the targeted parent through misinformation or manipulation.

Relocation or geographic barriers: The scale may consider whether the alienating parent has moved or intends to move the child to a location that significantly limits or hinders the targeted parent's access. Questions might focus on changes in the child's residence, school, or community and the impact on the targeted parent's ability to maintain a relationship with the child.

Legal interventions: Indicators may also look into whether the targeted parent has had to seek legal intervention, such as filing for enforcement of visitation rights or modifications of custody arrangements due to access restrictions by the alienating parent.

It's important to note that these indicators are not definitive proof of parental alienation, but they provide insights into potential access restrictions that may be occurring. A comprehensive evaluation by a qualified professional is necessary to make a conclusive determination.



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