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Parental Alienation Services
Experts in the Field of Parental Alienation
Ashish S. Joshi​
Mr. Joshi’s focus lies at the intersection of forensic sciences, human rights, and complex disputes in situations involving severe parental alienation and psychological maltreatment of children, false allegations of child abuse, recovery of abducted children and/or hidden assets in foreign jurisdictions and multi-jurisdictional disputes.
Amy J. Baker
Parental Alienation Researcher, Expert, Author, Coach
Dr. Michael J. Bone
Dr. Bone is an experienced consultant for cases involving Parental Alienation & has spent over 25 years working with high conflict divorce as a therapist, expert witness, mediator, evaluator and consultant, both nationally and internationally. Additionally, he is co-founder of the National Association of Parental Alienation Specialists.
Dr. Kathleen Reay
With over 45 years experience working with families in the turmoil of divorce, Dr. Reay specializes in helping those dealing with Parental Alienation. Starting out as a legal assistant in a family law firm, Dr. Reay first saw the impact of alienation and how it adversely affected the children. Over the years, Dr. Reay has worked as a parenting educator; clinical director of non-profit and for-profit organizations for at-risk youth and severely alienated children and their families; therapist in private practice; child-custody/access evaluator; and expert witness. Dr. Reay's work in the field of Parental Alienation has earned her national and international recognition.
Dr. Lynn Steinberg
Dr. Steinberg is the author of the book “You’re Not Crazy: Overcoming Parent/Child Alienation“, has lectured internationally and written about parental alienation. She offers consultations to alienated parents regarding their court cases and parenting. She is an expert witness for alienated parents in the family courts throughout the USA to prove alienation and recommend treatment.
Dr. Richard A Warshak
Dr. Warshak is highly sought after as an expert witness in matters related to custody, childhood trauma, and personal injury. When not testifying as a court-appointed expert, Dr. Warshak has been retained by attorneys for mothers and for fathers in equal numbers.
Clinical and Forensic Psychologist Dr. Alan Blotcky
Alan D. Blotcky, PhD, is a clinical and forensic psychologist in private practice in Birmingham, Alabama. He is also Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He has been in practice for 38 years. Dr. Blotcky is co-editor of Parental Alienation International and a member of the Parental Alienation Study Group. He is a frequent author of articles in peer-reviewed and mainstream outlets. Dr. Blotcky is an expert in parental alienation and false allegations of abuse cases. He has cases in 10 states as well as in Canada and England.
Dean Tong @
A pioneer in the field of false accusations of child sexual abuse
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