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Folks. When I say I need help. I need you to understand that my entire family paid the ultimate price and my story needs to be heard.
If you run a stop sign 🛑, they'll write you a ticket.
If you run a stop sign 🛑 and mortally wound someone, you get charged with manslaughter.
My ex has disobeyed every single court order.
Four court order violations, specifically, lead to the un- timely and absolutely unnecessary death of my mother, choking on her tears on Christmas Day and dying in a hospital from complications of a cardiac arrest. She had swollen thyroid pressing in to her trachea that she was awaiting routine surgery to remove, on the 28th. While waiting, she was on oxygen to help her breath. She received an upsetting phone call that she should have never received, per the court order. Near the end of a beau…