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3 min read
When a GAL opts for an expert who dismisses parental alienation by stating that it is not acknowledged in the DSM-5, several critical issues arise.
In the landscape of family law, the role of Guardian ad LitemGAL) is crucial ensuring the best interests of the child are prioritized....

2 min read
When Family Court Judges Deny the Constitutional Rights of Parents
When a judge does not allow a safe and loving parent access to their child, it can potentially raise constitutional issues related to...

2 min read
Challenging expert testimony on parental alienation in “Family” court.
Challenging expert testimony on parental alienation when the expert does not consider it a recognized in the DSM-V can be complex, but...

1 min read
When Does a Guardian ad Litem Lose Immunity?
Guardians ad Litem (GALs) typically have qualified immunity when performing their duties, which means they are generally protected from...

2 min read
The Intersection of Legal Abuse Syndrome, Parental Alienation, and Role of Guardian ad Litems
In cases involving child custody disputes and parental alienation, the role of Guardian ad Litems (GALs) is meant to serve the best...

2 min read
South Carolina's Family Court System: Torn Apart by Greed and Corruption"
In South Carolina, the family court system is designed to handle delicate matters related to divorce, child custody, support, and other...

2 min read
How a biased Guardian ad Litem can exacerbate legal abuse syndrome & parental alienation
A biased guardian ad litem can exacerbate legal abuse syndrome & parental alienation by further manipulating the proceedings in favor of...

2 min read
Legal Abuse Syndrome and Parental Alienation
Legal abuse syndrome is a term coined by Dr. Karin Huffer to describe the psychological trauma that individuals experience as a result of...

2 min read
My child says that the expert, her counselor and the guardian have said negative things about me. How is that detrimental to our relationship and what should I do about it?
When a child reports that professionals like counselors, experts, or guardians have said negative things about you, it can be highly...

2 min read
What are some common objections that parties may raise during the enforcement of an out-of-state custody order?
During the enforcement of an out-of-state custody order, parties may raise various objections to contest or challenge the enforcement....

2 min read
What specific procedures does the UCCJEA outline for enforcing out-of-state custody orders in different states?
The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) outlines specific procedures for enforcing out-of-state custody...

2 min read
In what ways does the UCCJEA promote cooperation between states in enforcing out-of-state custody orders and protecting the interests of children and parents involved?
The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) promotes cooperation between states in enforcing out-of-state custody...

2 min read
What is the uniform child custody jurisdiction and enforcement act
The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) is a uniform law that has been adopted by most U.S. states to address...

2 min read
Is denying a parent and child the ability to start therapeutic communications considered custodial interference in Florida?
In Florida, if there is a court-ordered requirement for therapeutic communications between a child and a parent, and one party has been...

2 min read
How to bring a charge of custodial interference to Florida to enforce a temporary order from another state when the child is a Florida resident
If you are looking to bring a charge of custodial interference in Florida to enforce a temporary order from another state when the child...

2 min read
What Are Florida Laws With Regard to Custodial Interference?
In the state of Florida, custodial interference is considered a serious offense and is addressed under Florida Statutes Section 787.03....

2 min read
Can a Guardian ad Litem be charged with custodial interference?
A Guardian ad Litem (GAL) is a court-appointed advocate for children in legal proceedings, typically in cases involving custody,...

2 min read
Is an evaluator who does not believe parental alienation is part of the dsm-5 but takes on a family ordered to do an evaluation with an alienation component violating their code of ethics?
Whether an evaluator is violating their code of ethics by taking on a custodial evaluation with a parental alienation component depends...

2 min read
Why an expert who dismisses the concept of parental alienation should not be the primary evaluator in a possible parental alienation case.
Parental alienation is a complex and controversial topic in the context of custody disputes, and it may not be explicitly recognized or...

2 min read
What is a Custodial Evaluation with a Parental Alienation Component
A custodial evaluation with an alienation component is a specialized type of evaluation conducted in high-conflict custody cases where...
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