When a GAL opts for an expert who dismisses parental alienation by stating that it is not acknowledged in the DSM-5, several critical issues arise.
- 2 min
When Family Court Judges Deny the Constitutional Rights of Parents
- 2 min
Challenging expert testimony on parental alienation in “Family” court.
- 1 min
When Does a Guardian ad Litem Lose Immunity?
- 2 min
The Intersection of Legal Abuse Syndrome, Parental Alienation, and Role of Guardian ad Litems
- 2 min
South Carolina's Family Court System: Torn Apart by Greed and Corruption"
- 2 min
How a biased Guardian ad Litem can exacerbate legal abuse syndrome & parental alienation
- 2 min
Legal Abuse Syndrome and Parental Alienation
- 2 min
My child says that the expert, her counselor and the guardian have said negative things about me. How is that detrimental to our relationship and what should I do about it?
- 2 min
What are some common objections that parties may raise during the enforcement of an out-of-state custody order?
- 2 min
What specific procedures does the UCCJEA outline for enforcing out-of-state custody orders in different states?
- 2 min
In what ways does the UCCJEA promote cooperation between states in enforcing out-of-state custody orders and protecting the interests of children and parents involved?
- 2 min
What is the uniform child custody jurisdiction and enforcement act
- 2 min
Is denying a parent and child the ability to start therapeutic communications considered custodial interference in Florida?
- 2 min
How to bring a charge of custodial interference to Florida to enforce a temporary order from another state when the child is a Florida resident
- 2 min
What Are Florida Laws With Regard to Custodial Interference?
- 2 min
Can a Guardian ad Litem be charged with custodial interference?
- 2 min
Is an evaluator who does not believe parental alienation is part of the dsm-5 but takes on a family ordered to do an evaluation with an alienation component violating their code of ethics?
- 2 min
Why an expert who dismisses the concept of parental alienation should not be the primary evaluator in a possible parental alienation case.
- 2 min
What is a Custodial Evaluation with a Parental Alienation Component