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Coercive Control, Using Your Child as a Weapon

Coercive control is a pattern of controlling and manipulative behaviors used by one person to dominate and intimidate another, typically within an intimate relationship. It involves various tactics aimed at gaining power and control over the other person's thoughts, actions, and emotions. When parents use their children as weapons in the context of coercive control, it refers to their attempts to manipulate and control the other parent through the child.

Here are some ways parents may use their children as weapons:

Denying Access: One parent may restrict or deny the other parent's access to the child, using the child as leverage to assert control and punish the other parent.

Interfering with Visitation: This involves intentionally disrupting or interfering with scheduled visitation or custodial arrangements, thereby causing stress and emotional distress for both the other parent and the child.

Poisoning the Child's Mind: A parent may engage in parental alienation by badmouthing the other parent, making false accusations, or providing a negative narrative about the other parent to the child. This can lead to the child developing negative beliefs, disdain, or fear toward the targeted parent.

Manipulating Loyalties: The controlling parent may manipulate the child's loyalties by making them feel guilty or disloyal for showing affection or wanting to spend time with the other parent.

Using the Child as a Messenger or Spy: The controlling parent may use the child to gather information about the other parent's activities, relationships, or personal life. They may also manipulate the child into carrying messages or spying on the other parent.

Threatening Custody Battles: Coercively controlling parents may use the threat of custody battles or legal action to intimidate the other parent and exert control over their decisions and behavior.

Undermining Authority: A controlling parent may undermine the authority and decision-making of the other parent, disregarding their input or decisions regarding the child's well-being and upbringing.

Economic Control: Financial control is another form of coercive control where a parent withholds financial support or manipulates finances to maintain power and control over the other parent.

It is important to note that using children as weapons in these ways can have significant negative impacts on their emotional well-being, sense of security, and relationship with both parents.



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Parental Alienation, Custodial Interference, Trauma Bonding, Narcissistic Parents, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence by Proxy

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