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Higher levels of parental alienation have been linked to several negative outcomes for children

Higher levels of parental alienation, as measured by the DAPS and CAPAS questionnaires, have been linked to several negative outcomes for children. Here are some specific outcomes that have been associated with higher levels of parental alienation:

Increased psychological distress: Children who are exposed to high levels of parental alienation may experience increased psychological distress. This can manifest as symptoms of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and feelings of rejection or abandonment. They may also have difficulties forming trusting relationships and developing a sense of identity.

Poorer academic performance: Parental alienation has been linked to lower academic achievement in children. The emotional turmoil and stress associated with parental alienation can interfere with a child's ability to concentrate, focus, and perform well in school. They may also struggle with motivation and have difficulties with peer relationships.

Impaired parent-child relationship: Parental alienation can damage the relationship between the targeted parent and the child. The child may develop negative feelings towards the targeted parent, leading to a strained or even estranged relationship. This can result in reduced contact, decreased emotional support, and a loss of the benefits that come with a healthy parent-child bond.

Long-term mental health issues: Children who experience ongoing and severe parental alienation may be at increased risk for long-term mental health issues. This can include conditions such as anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, attachment disorders, and even risk of suicidal ideation or attempts.

Inter-generational transmission: Parental alienation can perpetuate a cycle of dysfunction and impact future generations. Children who grow up with parental alienation may be more likely to engage in similar behaviors as adults, perpetuating the pattern of family conflict and alienation.

It's important to note that these outcomes can vary in severity depending on the level and duration of parental alienation, as well as individual factors and support systems available to the child.



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