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I May Not Know What Tomorrow Holds But I Know Who Holds Tomorrow In His Hands

THIS! THIS RIGHT HERE! I have had a lifetime movie worthy life. I bet I could cover all the messed up scenarios, well except for the ones where I'd be the villain. And you know what? I remember when I was probably about 7 years old. I had been kept home from church with my (father, at the time) because I had thrown up on the way to church. I always used to throw up on the way to church. At the time I didn't even try to understand why that was happening I just went with it. (Now I've got my suspicions, a story for a later date).

I remember being home and I feel like I was standing on the couch, so maybe I was younger than 7. I remember talking to God. I told him that I believed in him and Jesus and I knew I would be in Heaven with him someday. Now I had been going to church for many years, every moment the doors were open, so I had heard that is what you do to become "saved". Now I don't put "saved" into parentheses because I don't believe it or I believe there is another word for it, I just know that I am by no means a Bible Scholar and I feel I fully understand the repercussions for misleading people when it comes to God. In front of you and God I would never intentionally mislead anyone in this area, actually, I make it a habit of not ever intentionally misleading anyone, but chances are you don't know me yet.

So back to my story again, lol, I remember truly meeting God that day and the Holy Spirit came to live inside of me and has been helping me navigate all that this world has thrown at me. Not only has he helped me navigate it but he's helped me do it with joy, strength, determination, confidence and love. I could be a used up heroine addicted prostiute if I believed the lies this world has been trying to tell me and the things that it has shown me.

To me that's the difference. This world is a messed up place for many if not all of us. This world is not God's design but man's choice. When you believe and you allow the Holy Spirit to accompany you through this life, you get to live it in a more positive light knowing you're not alone and this isn't the life you were born to live.

One day all of our pains and hurts will be gone, not because we will have died but because we will be born again into the life that God did intended for us.

If you believe... ❤️🙏💪 Nicole



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