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"Whoever brings ruin on their family will inherit only wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise" Proverbs 11:29

The phrase "Whoever brings ruin on their family will inherit only wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise" is a proverb in the Bible that conveys several key messages about the consequences of one's actions and behaviors.

Within the context of parental alienation, which involves one parent psychologically manipulating a child to reject the other parent, the proverb "Whoever brings ruin on their family will inherit only wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise" can be interpreted with specific relevance to this situation.

When a parent engages in alienating behaviors that undermine the relationship between the child and the other parent, they are essentially bringing ruin upon the family unit. The alienated parent may suffer emotional pain and loss, and the child may experience confusion, conflict, and long-term psychological harm. By alienating the other parent, the alienating parent risks damaging the family dynamic and creating a void in the child's life.

In this context, the "fool" can represent the parent engaging in alienating behaviors, while the "wise" can symbolize the parent seeking to maintain a positive relationship with the child and promote their well-being. The wise parent recognizes the importance of fostering a healthy co-parenting relationship and prioritizing the child's best interests over their own grievances or animosity.

Over time, the consequences of parental alienation may lead to the alienating parent inheriting "only wind" - a sense of emptiness, regret, and potential estrangement from the child. The child may also struggle with the effects of being manipulated and may eventually realize the truth, potentially shifting their allegiance to the previously alienated parent.

In summary, the proverb can serve as a cautionary message regarding the destructive impact of parental alienation on families and the importance of wisdom in recognizing and addressing such harmful behaviors. By prioritizing the child's well-being and fostering healthy relationships, parents can avoid the pitfalls of parental alienation and work towards healing and reconciliation within the family unit.



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Parental Alienation, Custodial Interference, Trauma Bonding, Narcissistic Parents, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence by Proxy

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